Glede na kazalnik BDV na uro dela (glej podatek o izhodiščni BDV na uro dela na grafikonu spodaj) so v izrazito slabem ekonomskem položaju sektorji reje krav dojilj, pitanja govedi, reje drobnice in prireje mleka (posebej v gorskem območju).
Vsi navedeni sektorji imajo tudi strukturne probleme (razdrobljenost proizvodnje, lokacija proizvodnje v OMD, kjer prevladuje trajno travinje).
Povprečne velikosti proizvodnje teh sektorjev so za nekajkrat 14 manjše kot povprečno v EU.

It's concerning to see the challenges facing sectors like dairy farming and beef production, especially with the economic pressures highlighted in your report. Just like in the agricultural sector, making informed decisions is crucial in healthcare, particularly when considering treatments like male hormone replacement therapy. If anyone is exploring this option, understanding what to expect can significantly ease the process. For a comprehensive overview tailored for first-time patients, check out this guide: Having clear information can empower both individuals and sectors facing tough times!